
Why seaweed enjoys rising tide of popularity?
Dec 10, 2023
Wakame is one of the main types of edible seaweed. This sea vegetable is widely used in Asian cuisine, most often in soups and salads or as a side dish to seafood. China has a large source of seaweed farming and exports large quantities of wakame salads to the world. Wakame is one of the green and healthy foods of the 21st century.
EUMOFA: Inflation Severely Affects Aquatic Consumption and Exports!
Dec 08, 2023
Recently, the European Union Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA) released its annual report "EU Fisheries Markets", which provides a comprehensive analysis of the state of fisheries and aquaculture in the EU. Highlights of the report are summarized as follows.
Squid Import/Export Trade Surplus
Nov 30, 2023
In 2023, China's squid import and export trade situation changed month by month, with imports increasing significantly in the first half of the year, while exports began to decline from the second quarter, the average monthly trade surplus narrowed, and consumption pressure in the domestic market is rising.
The EU confirmed tariffs of 13.7% and 12% on Russian-origin fish products processed in China
Nov 28, 2023
The European Union formally confirmed on Monday that it will exclude Russian and Belarusian fishery products from the next version of its autonomous tariff quota (ATQ) scheme, which will come into force in January, including Russian-origin fish products processed in China. The proposals were first made in September and the current ATQ scheme expires on 31 December. The council unanimously set quotas for 2024, 2025 and 2026 for certain fish products on 27 November.
Global surimi market size is expected to grow by 54.3% over the next eight years
Nov 20, 2023
The surimi market is one of the fastest growing markets in the global seafood industry. Surimi is a type of seafood made from minced fish or molluscs, which is used as an ingredient in various dishes. The growth of the surimi market is driven by various factors such as changing dietary trends, growing demand for seafood products, and increasing popularity of processed seafood products.
China Oceanic Squid Index (October 2023 Review)
Nov 13, 2023
In October 2023, China oceanic squid index dropped slightly at a high level to 165.04 points, down 1.04% sequentially, compared with the same period of last year, the index is still located at a high level, up 3.66% year-on-year. Analysed, in 2023, the El Niño phenomenon led to an increase in seawater temperature, which affected the growth, development and reproduction of squid, and this year's squid catch appeared to be reduced compared with that of the previous year, so the overall China Pelagic Squid Price Index was higher than the level of the previous year.
China's aquaculture output has ranked first in the world for consecutive 32 years
Nov 02, 2023
China's State Council Information Office released a White Paper on "China's Pelagic Fisheries Development" on 24th, pointing out that China's aquaculture output has ranked first in the world for 32 consecutive years, becoming the world's largest aquatic product processor and exporter, and making a positive contribution to guaranteeing the world's food security.
China Ocean Squid Price Index Hits a New High!
Oct 16, 2023
The increase in demand for healthy food has led to a corresponding increase in demand for squid, which first led to the overall upward movement of China's ocean squid price index, which has been at the same level as the same period last year for many consecutive months.
Processing Technology of Frozen Scallop Meat
Oct 10, 2023
Scallop is one of the main cultured shellfish along the coast of China. Chlamys farreri, bay scallop and Patinopecten Yessoensis are common varieties. Scallop is one of the traditional sea treasures in China because of its rich flavor amino acid content. At present, frozen scallop is the main form of export and domestic products, which can be divided into frozen raw scallop and frozen cooked scallop meat.
Oceanic Squid Index of China
Jul 04, 2023
China released the oceanic squid index, which shows that the price of squid gradually rised from June 2022. Due to the reduction in squid catches, it is expected that the price of squid will gradually increase in the second half of 2023. Please seize the opportunity before the continuous price increase ⬆ ⬆ ⬆
United States imported more than 5,000 tons of clams in the first quarter of 2023
May 29, 2023
According to the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), the United States imported more than 5,000 tons of clams from other countries in the first quarter of 2023. Its value more than $15 million, ...
The price of squid in China has risen sharply!
May 09, 2023
China's Squid Trade Center has reported a sharp increase in the price of Argentine squid, one of the world's largest cephalopods, following poor fishing in the south-west Atlantic. April 3-9, ...