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The Illex squid fishing season got off to a bad start, the price in Chinese market has risen!2023/02/16 19:54Early reports of poor squid catches in Argentina are pushing prices higher in the Chinese squid market. Prices have been rising since Argentina's fishing season began on Jan. 10 as factories feared a potential shortage of supplies this year. The increase is between 200 and 300 US dollars per ton.
Japanese scallop fishing season is over! The price reached the highest level!2023/02/16 20:06It is predicted that the scallop catch will be 325,100 tons, which is 2% lower than last year's highest historical record, but it has remained above 300,000 tons for four consecutive years.
Argentina's squid catch has been reduced, and the price of domestic squid is expected to increase in2023/02/16 19:54According to Agroindustria, Argentine ships landed 42,796 tons of squid in the first two months of 2023, down 7 percent year-on-year and the lowest level in the past five years. According to an execut...
China Ocean Squid Price Index Hits a New High!2023/10/16 11:11The increase in demand for healthy food has led to a corresponding increase in demand for squid, which first led to the overall upward movement of China's ocean squid price index, which has been at the same level as the same period last year for many consecutive months.
EUMOFA: Inflation Severely Affects Aquatic Consumption and Exports!2023/12/08 09:47Recently, the European Union Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aquaculture (EUMOFA) released its annual report "EU Fisheries Markets", which provides a comprehensive analysis of the state of fisheries and aquaculture in the EU. Highlights of the report are summarized as follows.
Why seaweed enjoys rising tide of popularity?2023/12/10 09:00Wakame is one of the main types of edible seaweed. This sea vegetable is widely used in Asian cuisine, most often in soups and salads or as a side dish to seafood. China has a large source of seaweed farming and exports large quantities of wakame salads to the world. Wakame is one of the green and healthy foods of the 21st century.
Yellowfin tuna prices have fallen further as a result of a prolonged period of low demand2023/12/11 09:20Prices for yellowfin tuna for December delivery continue to fall in several regions, driven by weak demand in Europe. Weak demand in Europe has led to low prices, as has skipjack tuna. The European canned tuna industry is going through a difficult period characterized by a challenging marketing season.
China's seafood exports in 2023: three major categories declining & two major factors contributing2023/12/17 10:00The situation is not optimistic as the export value of all three categories decreased
Firstly, according to the latest statistics from Marketing, China's export value of primary aquatic products (03 items) in the first half of 2023 amounted to US$5.16 billion, down 20.0% from US$6.19 billion in the same period last year. Among them, the export value of five major exporting provinces, including Shandong and Fujian, subtotaled to US$4.73 billion, down 21.4% from US$5.75 billion in the same period last year. Considering that the global epidemic has passed and production and logistics have returned to normal, such a drastic decline is very rare.
Japan's squid catch falls to 60-year low as prices soar2024/02/19 14:25Japan's squid supply fell by nearly 20% last year to only 150,000 tons, including domestic catches, imports and carry-over stocks. That's more than 50 percent less than the annual average of more than 300,000 tons since 2000, and 75% less than the 2000 supply of 667,000 tons.
According to data published by the National Union of Fisheries Cooperatives of Japan, the decline is mainly due to record low catches of Japanese squid, the main commercial species used in Japan for sashimi and dried products.Landings in 2023 fell by 20 percent to 13,348 tons, a 60-year low and the lowest level on record.
Yellowfin tuna prices expected to soar as fishing slows2024/02/26 09:00Prices for yellowfin tuna for December delivery continue to fall in several regions, driven by weak demand in Europe. Weak demand in Europe has led to low prices, as has skipjack tuna. The European canned tuna industry is going through a difficult period characterized by a challenging marketing season.
FAO: Global consumption of tuna may remain low in 2024!2024/03/10 09:00FAO: Global consumption of tuna may remain subdued in 2024, and falling raw material prices may not drive volume growth.
Illex squid and Gigas squid rose slightly while other squid large format prices fell!2024/04/02 11:53From March 22 to March 28, the trading prices of squid recorded at the Zhoushan International Agricultural Products Trade Center in Zhejiang Province were generally at a high level, with the prices of squid of various sizes showing a mixed trend of increases and decreases.
In particular, prices of small and medium-sized squid from the North Pacific and Indian Ocean showed an upward trend, while prices of large-sized North Pacific and Indian Ocean squid remained stable or declined slightly. Meanwhile, prices of squid from Argentina and Peru remained high and increased slightly.
Oceanic squid prices accelerate as market continues to heat up in March 20242024/04/08 10:48In March 2024, according to the data observation of Zhejiang Zhoushan International Agricultural Products Trade Centre Co., Ltd: from the operation of the monthly price index, the monthly price of China ocean-going squid continued to rise in March 2024, with the index closing at 175.78 points, up 5.90% year-on-year, continuing the trend of high growth in February; from the operation of the weekly price index, the prices of the weeks in March continued to rise, of which the third weekly price increase was Obviously, the index was 166.09 points, up 6.07%, the fourth week of increases narrowed.
Seafood Expo Global: Record High Exhibition Scale! 281 Chinese Enterprises Pavilion in Barcelona2024/04/26 10:01On April 23rd, Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global (hereinafter referred to as SEG & SPG, Seafood Expo Global/Seafood Processing Global, hereinafter referred to as "Barcelona Global Aquafood Expo 2024") opened its doors at the Barcelona Exhibition and Convention Center in Barcelona, Spain. (hereinafter referred to as "Barcelona Global Aquafood Expo 2024") was grandly opened at the Barcelona Exhibition Center!
Global pink salmon production is set to plummet by 50% by 2024, with expected impact on market price2024/04/28 16:28Russia Forecasts Big Drop in Wild Salmon Catches After a bumper 2023 harvest, production in 2024 will return to traditional levels for pink salmon.
Russia expects wild salmon catches in the country's Far East to drop by nearly half in the upcoming season, which begins June 1, allowing the traditional two-year cycle of pink salmon production to return to normal levels.
Oceanic Squid Price Growth Slows as Signs of Supply Tightness Ease2024/05/08 17:05In April 2024, according to the data observation of Zhejiang Zhoushan International Agricultural Products Trade Center Co., Ltd: from the operation of the monthly price index, the monthly price of China ocean-going squid continued to rise in April 2024, the index closed at 182.11 points, up 3.61% from a year earlier, the rate of increase slightly narrowed compared with that of March (5.90%); from the operation of the weekly price index, the price of each week of April rose first and then fell, of which The first and second week prices continued to rise, the second week index for the highest ever 171.28 points, a slight increase of 0.29% over the ring, the third week the index rushed high and fell back, the index closed at 170.06 points, down 0.71% over the ring.
The Illex squid fishing season got off to a bad start, the price in Chinese market has risen!-copy-12023/02/16 19:54Early reports of poor squid catches in Argentina are pushing prices higher in the Chinese squid market. Prices have been rising since Argentina's fishing season began on Jan. 10 as factories feared a potential shortage of supplies this year. The increase is between 200 and 300 US dollars per ton.
Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic squid prices continue to rise with active market trading2024/06/19 08:57In week 24 (June 7 to June 13), squid prices in the Southeast Pacific and Southwest Atlantic (offline) continued to rise, but at a slower rate. While Southwest Atlantic (offline) large size squid prices saw a downward revision, Northwest Pacific and Indian Ocean squid prices remained stable.
See you at Booth#A1-1117, Oct. 30-Nov. 01 in Qingdao, China Fisheries & Seafood Expo2024/08/26 17:27Welcome to visit our booth at Booth#A1-1117, Oct.30-Nov. 01 in Qingdao, China Fisheries & Seafood Expo 2024
Market supply is limited, driving the squid price index to rise sharply2024/09/14 10:34According to data observations from Zhejiang Zhoushan International Agricultural Products Trade Center Co., Ltd.: In terms of the monthly price index operation, the monthly price index for China's distant ocean squid rose significantly in August 2024, closing at 191.16 points, an increase of 3.58% compared to the previous month. In terms of the weekly price index operation, the price index steadily increased each week in August. Among them, the second week saw the largest increase, reaching 2.79%; by the end of August, the index closed at 187.11 points, up 6.23% compared to the end of July.