Oceanic Squid Index of China

Jul 04, 2023 SeafoodChina SeafoodFishSquidillex squid

In order to continuously improve the ability to control squid resources and influence prices, and make more accurate resource assessment and prediction, Led by China Pelagic Fishery Association, Shanghai Ocean University, Zhoushan National Pelagic Fishery Base and Hangzhou Numoliang Science and Technology Co., Ltd. compiled and released the squid index of China pelagic fishery.

China ocean-going squid index includes squid price index, industry prosperity index and squid abundance of natural resources index. It uses detailed dynamic data to monitor and reflect the overall development of squid products and pelagic fisheries.

FIS will publish one of the four species registered in the Squid Index every weekend. Take the giant squid (dosidicus gigas) outside of the Peruvian / Öguadur region:

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Giant Squid Price Index (Southeast Pacific): Collecting squid trading prices from major domestic squid fishing companies and Zhoushan aquatic products trading centers. It is based on statistics of different specifications for the four main regions: the South-East Pacific, the South-West Atlantic, the North-West Pacific and the Indian Ocean. Reflects the trend of domestic squid prices.

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Index of squid abundance: It collects the data of squid abundance of natural resources in four main sea areas. The distribution of exploitable squid resources can be reflected by calculating and guiding the sustainable development of deep-sea squid fishing enterprises in China.

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Index of abundance of natural resources of squids
